Dental emergencies are unexpected and stressful to handle, and many people aren’t sure what they should look out for to signify that they have one. Without timely treatment from your emergency dentist in State College, a small issue can quickly become worse. Read on to learn about five common signs that you need to visit an emergency dentist to get long-lasting treatment to preserve your natural smile before it’s too late.
Your Toothache Suddenly Disappeared
Some people avoid visiting their emergency dentist in State College if they have a severe toothache in hopes that it will disappear on its own. Unfortunately, if you wait too long, you’ll likely get your wish. The only problem is, a suddenly disappearing severe toothache is a good sign that your tooth is no longer viable and the infection has penetrated the nerves located in the inner pulp.
Dental Sensitivity is Making it Uncomfortable to Open Your Mouth
Dental sensitivity may not seem like a big deal, but it can be a sign of a variety of urgent oral health issues, such as a damaged restoration, enamel erosion, or leaking dental bonding. When these aren’t addressed in a timely manner, it can make the sensitivity so uncomfortable to live with and eventually lead to cavities, infections, and other serious problems.
One of Your Teeth Are Broken
The most obvious dental emergency is a broken or damaged tooth. However, some people don’t bother to visit their emergency dentist, even in these cases. Whether the damage to your tooth is small or big, it’s important to visit a professional to determine whether the part of your tooth that broke off is putting your fragile inner chamber, that contains the pulp and nerves, in harm’s way. If it is, seeking early treatment can save you a lot of trouble down the road.
You Notice a Spot On Your Molar
In some cases, you may notice the early signs of a cavity forming on the biting surface of your molar. These can look like small or large, dark spots that are concaved. Not only can these collect full of food debris and bacteria, but without timely intervention, they’ll get larger.
Your Teeth Are Beginning to Look Longer
One common signs of advanced gum disease is gum recession. This occurs when your gums begin looking like they’re getting smaller and your teeth begin to look longer. Your emergency dentist will be able to develop a customized treatment plan to help minimize and even reverse the symptoms of it’s caught soon enough.
Even though your dentist is closed during the COVID-19 crisis, they’re still seeing emergency patients. This includes you, if you’re feeling any out-of-the-ordinary symptoms or discomfort that’s radiating from your teeth, gums, or jaw.
About the Author
Dr. Kevin Labosky has been practicing dentistry for several years and enjoys helping his patients find new ways to optimize their oral health. He provides high-quality care and regularly completes advanced education courses to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in his field. For questions or to schedule a same-day emergency appointment, visit his website or call 814-237-7004.